Sunday 11 October 2009

Questionnaire Results

1. Out of 25 people, 8 were male and 17 were female, this shows more females contributed to the results. Meaning our video will now be based on the opinions of females.

2. We asked people their age, the results show that there were mostly seventeen year olds who took part in our questionnaire, so our music video should mostly appeal to 17 year olds.

3. When we asked what your favourite type of music is, RnB was most popular, whereas classical was the least favourite. So we should try and include RnB music within our video.

4. When we asked people, what do you think is important for the music video, people mostly commented on the performance/visuals and people were less interested in the narrative. This shows that we should make sure the performance/visuals, stand out within our music video.

5. When we asked people, would you prefer to see the artist/band in the music video? People mostly said no, that they would not like to see the artist/band in the music video; therefore it does not matter if the artist/band were in the video.

6. When we asked would you want the music video to be, serious, comical, relative or conceptual, most people said they would like a music video to be relative, meaning related to the song. Not just something unrelated to the music.

7. We asked what music magazines do people read; NME was most popular, with over half of the results being that. This is a magazine featuring indie music. We should place our advert in this magazine to reach our target audience.

8. When we asked people do they watch music channels everyone answered yes, this shows that they are very popular, especially with college students. So it would be good for our video to feature on a music channel.

8.a.When we asked what music channels do most people watch they picked 4Music, making this most popular and, Kerrang, Scuzz and MTV 2, came joint in at the bottom, making these least popular to watch. With this in mind, we should make sure we broadcast our music video on this channel.

9. When we asked what music videos on the internet do people watch, over three quarters said that they did watch music video’s over the internet making them popular to watch on the internet. From this, we could upload our video on the internet to promote it.

10. We asked people how they downloaded music, most people said on limewire, making that the most popular sight to download from. This means that we could upload our music video onto that programme so that it is available for people to download.

11. When we asked people who they would you like to see in a music video, the majority said adults and only a very small amount said elderly. Therefore it is ideal to use adults in our music video.

12. We asked people where they would want the music video to be set, over half of the people said they would like to see it set in a town. So we think it is best if we set our video in a town.

13. When we asked would you want the music video to contain dance routines or not, the results were quite close, and people said that they wouldn’t like to see dance routines in the music video.

14. When people were asked would they like special effects to be used over three quarters of the people said they would like to see special effects, so it would be a good idea for us to use it in our music video, if we want to satisfy our audience and meet their needs.

15. When we asked people would they want the narrative to be linear or non-linear, the results were rather close and non-linear just won the results. Showing that more people would like to narrative to be non-linear, so our music video should be non-linear and not really follow a structure.

16. We asked people would they prefer either fast paced or slow paced editing and we found that fast paced editing was a lot more popular and got over three quarters of the results. This shows that our music video should be fast paced.

17. We asked people did animation interest them, the results show that it was very close, but more people voted saying that animation didn’t interest them, so this indicates that people aren’t too fussed if there is animation in the music video, our music video.

18. We asked people how often they downloaded music, the options were weekly, monthly or yearly, Weekly reserved the most votes, this shows that a lot of people download music on a regular basis, making it a very popular thing to do. We should include ours on the internet for people to download.

19. When we asked do people buy CDs often, the results showed it to be very close. But more people said that they didn’t buy CDs often. This indicates that downloading has become more popular now with the convergence of technology. So we could if we wanted to upload our song onto a CD if we wanted to.

20. When we asked do people buy CDs often, the results showed it to be very close. But more people said that they didn’t buy CDs often. This indicates that downloading has become more popular now with the convergence of technology. So we could if we wanted to upload our song onto a CD if we wanted to.

21. We asked people do they like a clear ending in a music video, the results came out that a lot more people liked there being a clear ending to a music video, so we should ensure we have a clear ending.

22. We asked if people preferred a music video to show romance, the results came out quite close, showing that people aren’t too bothered, but it does show that more people said no, they didn’t like to see romance in a music video. As the results are very close, it will be up to us to see what is appropriate.

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