Wednesday 7 October 2009

Music Video Questionnaire

Music Video Questionnaire

Are you male or female?
Male  Female

How old are you?
 15  16  17  18  19

What is your favourite type of music?
 Pop  Indie  RnB  Rap/Hip hop  Rock Classical Jazz Dance
 Other ………………

What do you think is important for a music video?
 Narrative  Performance/Visuals  Lyrics

Would you prefer the Artist/Band in the music video?
 Yes  No

Would you want the music video to be?
 Conceptual  Relative  Comical  Serious

What music magazines do you read?

Do you watch music channels?
 Yes ………………………….  No

Do you watch music video’s on the internet?
 Yes  No

How do you download music?
 iTunes  Limewire  Other……………………………..

Who would you like to see in a music video?
 Adults Children  Elderly  Animals  Other………………………

Where would you want it to be set?
 City Town  Countryside Other……………………

Would you want the music video to contain dance routines?
 Yes  No

Would you like special effects to be used?
 Yes  No

Would you want the narrative to be………
 Linear  Non Linear

Which do you prefer……?
 Fast paced editing  Slow paced editing

Does animation interest you?
 Yes  No

How often do you download music?
 Weekly  Monthly  Yearly

Do you buy CDs often?
 Yes  No

Would you prefer music video’s to be focused on something that happens in a day, or an on going journey?
In a Day A journey

Do you like a clear ending?
 Yes No

Do you prefer a music video to show romance?
 Yes No

Do you prefer music video’s to be old fashioned or modern?
 Old fashioned Modern

Do you like a range of close ups?
 Yes  No

Should the narrative have a genre?
 Yes  No

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