Thursday 21 January 2010

Music Video Evauation

In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge the forms & conventions of real media projects.

For my media product, the narrative uses the forms and conventions of real media products. Without a Meaning by The Back Up Plan is a song about a relationship and a break-up. We took this into consideration and encorporated it into our own music video. Our media product also develops the storyline because we wanted to concentrate more on the storyline and what happens rather than the lip syncing. The song is about how a girl and boy went from being in a relationship to arguing to the boy trying to get the girl back. We wanted to keep our storyline simple but also interesting at the same time so that the audience would be keen to watch it. For this, we thought of filming in more than one location - a house and the park. At the beginning of our music video, it shows the girl and boy at their happier times, playing a game in the house and having a conversation. In the middle the relationship is shown to be falling apart and at the end they do not get back together. In some ways our music video challenges the forms and conventions because the girl and boy do not get back together like typical reali media products - music videos.

'' A good music video is a clip that responds to the pleasure of music, in which that the music is made visual, either in either new ways or in a way that accentuates existing visual associations''

- Andrew Goodwin 1992

This quote by Andrew Goodwin demonstrates that a music video doesn't neccessarily have to be visual in order for the audience to like it and enjoy it but it can be made visual in new ways, other ways. I think that our own music video relates to this because our video concentrates more on the storyline rather than lip syncing and perfromance.

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