Thursday 22 April 2010

Me with the camera

Friday 16 April 2010

The editing in the music video matches with the beat and pace of the music. The narrative goes along with the music and when the music becomes faster, so does the editing.

The characters in the music video are dressed casually which fits in well with the genre of music. They are wearing normal clothes which easy for the audience to relate to as it compares to everyday life.

The music video includes a variety of cinematograpghy. The wide range allows the audience to watch an interesting media product which doesn't use the same camera angles throughout.

The ancillary texts follow the conventions of music related products.

I think that the narrative fitted in perfectly with the song. The performance correlated the lyrics directly and this looked good for the video as a whole.

The locations for the music video worked well for the video because the song is about a love song. I liked the park scene especially the editing for it as matched the lyrics and the beat of the song.

Q2. How effective is the combination of the main products and ancillary texts?